26 August 2006

Mostest Superlative

Happiest of birthdays to the dearest of Jeffs!! Would that I could provide you with the most delicious of cakes and help you celebrate in the headiest of fashions. I hope it is a splendid one, my love.

25 August 2006

Shiny Objects

The very first conversational exchange I remember clearly having with Meg happened in the spring of our freshman year. Two of my friends from high school, Caitlin and Mal, were visiting, and I had to drag them to a Collegium rehearsal in Sanders during which we spent minute after excruciating minute achieving the perfect concert standing positions. I had borrowed a pair of flip flops from Mal, white sandals with shimmering bands of silver spangles that threaded through my toes and across the top of my feet. I only recall this because Meg, a self-admitted magpie, glanced over at them and said, "I like your sandals."

I replied with a clever, "Thanks," and we haven't really stopped talking since. It's a good thing Meg likes shiny objects, since they paved the way for our friendship.

Happy golden birthday, Margaret Alice, and bestest wishes for a highly sparkly twenty-fifth year.

14 August 2006

Feuding Hopalongs

As I stood in my darkened front yard this evening waiting for Ali to come and fetch her forgotten wallet, I spied a strange and surprising sight. In the middle of the residential street, two bunny rabbits began, well, catfighting. (Bunnyfighting?) They swiped their front paws at one another; one struck a glancing blow and the other leapt into the air. The two headstrong hares (HA!) kept at it for minutes on end, until interrupted by Ali's headlights. They reluctantly bounded onto the grassy island across from the house, where they started their fight anew.

I watched in shock for a moment longer, then walked inside, locked the door, and ate the head off of the hollow chocolate bunny that was left over from my Easter basket.