16 May 2006

Emily Has Been...

a) a-hiding out on vacation in Boston ad perpetuam.
b) buried in the mound of [admittedly, clean] clothing piled on her bedroom floor.
c) consumed by a life-sucking final paper assignment that was TURNED IN TODAY, that's what.
d) devoured by wild Minnesotan boars. [Or bores. Either way, it's not the right answer.]

I'm brimming with inspiration, folks; it's oozing out of my pores, in a sort of cleansing non-gross way. So meantimes, whilst I clear that whole situation up, uh, how've you been?

05 May 2006


Off to the 617 for the weekend, kiddies; see you in a few.

02 May 2006

Hilarity, or Something Very Near

It's the question of the moment: "When will she stop inflicting horrid jokes upon us? When, oh when?? WHEN???" Well, today is not looking particularly good in terms of providing a reprieve, I'm sorry to say. Perhaps I need to get more sleep; everything appears punnier through the filter of drowsiness, and I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Case in point:

At a quarter past nine, I was stacking toy farm animals atop one another, because that is what I do at work. After carefully creating a tower of cows, I thought briefly about calling it a 'cower' then and there, but instead decided that my colleagues didn't need to be exposed to the full extent of my insanity just yet. (Don't knock the cower - it was the only thing that made a somber toddler laugh all morning. Well, more specifically, you should knock it, as knocking it over repeatedly was the only thing that made her laugh, but still...)

At eleven-forty, another (less somber) toddler fell over on the playground and stood up covered in the wood chips that we use to soften the surface around the jungle gym. "Come here, T.", I directed, reaching out to pick miniscule wooden slivers out of her braids. "They're sticking to you. They're sticky." Silently, I added, "That's because they're sticks." Then I laughed inside my head for a good minute and a half.

I thought of yet a third pun this afternoon, but I've since forgotten it. You're welcome.

If this disturbing trend of posting unfunny jokes keeps up, I will consider renaming my little bloggenzie. Never Humorous: making you groan in agony since sometime last week.

01 May 2006

May I Point Out...

...that it is no longer April?


Man, you people don't know what you're missing, not having me around all the time in person to brandish such wonderful humor forcefully at you until you, fearing for your lives, are forced to play along and choke out a chortle or two. Well, all of you people except for Ali; Ali knows.

Then again, perhaps it's not such a bad thing; upon observing the ridiculous insanity of Ali and Ali's sister this evening, you people would most likely never speak to us again; it's not safe, after all, to associate with dervishes whirling about the floor in gales of laughter and then dancing like either pirates or plastic monkeys (from the classic game Barrel of Monkeys), depending on mood. Not that we do anything of the sort, of course. I'm just saying that it's something of which you should be wary. I'm just pointing it out.