If given the chance, I think that Ali and Oliver would become fast friends.
I'll admit that at first glance they don't seem to have a lot in common. Ali's a fashion major; Oliver studied trees... or nature... or whatever it is that those Environmental Science and Public Policy folks actually study. Soong can manipulate all manner of technology using only a paper clip, a piece of string, and a few good wishes; Ali knows how to program the VCR. "What would they talk about?" you ask bemusedly. The answer, my friends, is kleptomania.
Yes, Ali and Oliver share a love of redistributing resources, specifically those belonging to others. While Oliver is a master of the grandiose, impressive theft (chairs from our high-security freshman dining hall, anyone?), Ali prefers the more subtle artistry of the tableware heist (coffee cups, spoons, sugar packet holders, and the like). Put them together and you can tastefully redesign your dining room for free!
Or, at least, you will be able to come mid-April. Ali's on the wagon, you see; she's given up stealing for Lent. Here's to resisting temptation, at least for a few weeks...